Soe Pyi Swar Vegetarian Food
Soe Pyi Swar offers different vegan menus with Chinese style, You can also order many interesting fake meat dishes to English speaking staff.
A: 50, 13th street, middle block, Lanmadaw Township, Yangon.
T: 0931559258

Nepali & Indian Food Only Vegetarian
Mainly Indian Food and Nepalese Food Menus, Price is cheap and reasonable. They serve 100% Delicious Vegetarian food from 09:00 am to 21:30 pm daily.
A: 648, Merchant road, Between 29th and Shwebonthar street, near Burma Bristo.
T: 09 781 083806

Nourish Cafe
Nourish offer various western vegetarian dishes and drinks at Yoga house. It is very near to the Park Royal Hotel and a good place for a relaxing time.
A: 36B Alan Pya Pagoda Road, Yangon (near Park Royal Hotel)
T: 0997380214

Vedge Indian Restaurant & Bar
Clean and hygienic restaurant in the downtown area of Yangon.
A: No(158/168),Mahabandoola Garden Street (Bar Street) Yangon.
T: 01 385 163